If you find that your area is experiencing heavy rainfall, the Allstate Canada Good Hands Advice team has provided some recommendations to help customers that might have been affected.
Protect Yourself and Your Family
Stay Inside.
The inside of a building is the safest place during a heavy rainstorm. Stay away from windows and doors. Move to a small interior room such as a closet, bathroom or under a flight of stairs.
Avoid Areas Where Water Can Collect.
Calgary.ca recommends avoiding roadway underpasses, drainage ditches, low-lying areas and places where water collects as they can unexpectedly flood or overflow.
Avoid Driving.
If possible, don’t drive during heavy rain – as the intense rainfall will create poor visibility.
Watch For Water Intrusion.
Do not attempt to shut off electricity if water is entering your home. Water and live electrical wires can be lethal. Move to upper floors and stay out of water.
Place Valuables And Other Items In Safe Areas.
If your home is flooding, Toronto Housing recommends moving furniture and other valuables to prevent water damage if you are able to do so safely.
Listen for updates.
If you’re told to leave your home, be sure to follow the recommended evacuation routes and never take shortcuts.
For tips on what to do if there’s a power outage be sure to visit our page here.
If you experience road flooding contact 3-1-1, a non-emergency phone number that people can call in many cities to find information about services and report municipal problems.
After a Rainstorm
Keep Out Of Any Standing Water.
Hazards from floating debris, sewer contamination, live electrical wires and slippery surfaces can make wading in floodwaters extremely dangerous.
Return When It’s Safe.
Head home only when emergency authorities have advised you it is safe to do so.
Keep The Power Off.
Do not turn on the power in your home after significant water damage. Ask your hydro company for assistance.
Record The Damage.
If possible, record details of any damage before you clean up. Take photos or video to help with your insurance company’s assessment.
Contacting Your Insurance
Should you need to reach out to your insurance company for assistance after sustaining damages it is important that you remember to:
- Take photos and document all damage to your vehicle or property.
- Mitigate additional damage as best as possible. If it’s safe, remove any debris and keep the area safe for yourself and other residents.
- Contact your insurance provider to submit a claim, providing them with details on the date and time of loss, a list of damaged items and (if possible) photos or videos of the damage.
- Remain safe. Do not risk your health or safety when assessing damage.
If you are you are an Allstate policy holder within the impacted areas, our Claims team remains ready to support you. They can be reached at the appropriate number below. Alternatively, if you’re registered for myAllstate, you can submit a claim online:
Toll free: 1.800.561.7222
Local: 506.859.7820
Toll free: 1.800.661.1577
Local: 403.974.8700
Toll free: 1.800.387.0462
Local: 905.477.5550
Toll free: 1.800.463.2813
Local: 514.351.5335
Disclaimer: This information has been provided for your convenience only and should not be construed as providing legal or insurance advice.