Do your summer plans include being by the water? Here are some tips to help keep you safe

Children wearing their life jackets on a boat on the water

With warmer weather on the horizon, you may be considering a trip to a cottage – and you wouldn’t be alone. According to a Léger survey commissioned by Allstate Canada, 57% of respondents are planning to spend time near a body of water this summer. 

Many may not feel as comfortable swimming as almost a third of Canadian respondents (30%) believe that pandemic restrictions due to COVID-19 have negatively impacted their swimming and water safety skills.

At Allstate Canada, we’re in the business of prevention and protection. That is why we’ve partnered with the Lifesaving Society for the fourth consecutive year to help ensure Canadians are making water safety a top priority as they plan their long weekend and summer activities.

Tips to stay safe on the water this summer

If you’re looking to spend time in the water this season, here are some tips from the Lifesaving Society:

  • Avoid venturing into unfamiliar waters – Some waterways may look harmless, but powerful currents, especially in the spring, can surprise even the most experienced swimmers.
  • Be diligent with water safety rules. This can include:
    • Having a designated lifeguard (and ensuring they are not distracted)
    • Taking swimming lessons if you feel uncomfortable in the water
      • Be sure to check with your local recreational centre to see if there are swimming lessons available for you to brush up on your skills
    • Wearing your life jacket on all watercrafts
    • Staying sober while boating

For more water safety tips, be sure to visit

Cottage Rentals and Insurance Implications

If you’re looking to rent out your cottage or other recreational property, are you familiar with the insurance implications? According to the same Léger survey mentioned above, almost three-quarters of respondents say they don’t fully understand their insurance liability coverage when renting out a recreational property. Check out our article here where we provide some tips to help.

Disclaimer: This information has been provided for your convenience only and should not be construed as providing legal or insurance advice.

About the Léger survey

Léger was commissioned by Allstate to conduct a survey among Canadians to find out their plans for the summer regarding spending time near the water, as well as their knowledge of their insurance liability coverage for different situations. To meet research objectives, a web survey was conducted April 8-11, 2022, among a sample of 1,538 Canadians, aged 18 and over, who could speak English or French. To ensure a representative sample of the population, the results were weighted according to the gender, age, mother tongue, province, education and the presence of children in the household.