Car theft has been on the rise across Canada. In addition to the major inconvenience a stolen vehicle has on its owner, it’s also a major expense.
According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, auto theft cost Canadians over $1.5 billion in 2023 – this includes costs to repair or replace vehicles (which impacts insurance rates), police and court costs, and millions more for correctional services related to criminal convictions.
With car theft on the rise you might be wondering…
Does Car Insurance Cover Car Theft in Canada?
How Do I Know If a Car I Purchased is Stolen?
How Do I Know if I Have an Anti-Theft Device on my Car?
What is the Canadian Government Doing to Combat Auto Theft?
Tips to Help Protect Your Car from Theft
What to do if Your Vehicle is Stolen
Does Car Insurance Cover Car Theft in Canada?
The short answer is yes…depending on your coverage. While car insurance is mandatory in Canada, at minimum you will receive coverage for liability, accident benefits, and direct compensation property damage.
For car theft preventionyou would need enhanced car insurance coverage. Specifically, one that provides comprehensive coverage – which offers protection against many incidents that don’t involve a collision (like theft).
How Do I Know If I Purchased a Stolen Car?
There can be some uncertainty with purchasing a car online from a stranger. You might see a fairly new car with low milage and low cost and be suspicious, but how can you tell if a vehicle has been stolen?
Simply search the vehicle’s identification number (VIN). Before you purchase a vehicle from a private seller ask to see the VIN and the registration certificate. Compare the VIN printed on the dashboard with the VIN on the registration certificate, the numbers should be identical. If they’re not, don’t buy the car. You should also consider a vehicle history report, there are companies that provide this service and can be found online.
Alternatively, you can visit the Canadian government’s website for a free VIN check ifyou’re looking to purchase to see if it’s been reported stolen.
How Do I Know if I Have an Anti-Theft Device on my Car?
The best way to know if your car has an anti-theft device is by simply reading the user manual to see what’s equipped in your vehicle. However, these factory-installed devices may not be enough. You should also visit a dealership or trusted repair facility to discuss your options for a tag tracking system and your vehicle’s warranty.
What is the Canadian Government Doing to Combat Auto Theft?
In May 2024, the federal government outlined its national action plan to combat auto theft. In a press release issued by the government, the plan will include stronger penalties to deter car thieves, and increased information sharing between police agencies, government officials and insurance companies.
Tips to Help Protect Your Car from Theft
To help us all protect our vehicles (and our wallets), we spoke with Staff Sergeant, Sam Cosentino of the Toronto Police services, to get his advice on deterring a would-be car thief.
“While you can’t always stop a thief who is determined to steal a particular car, there are ways you can reduce opportunity for a theft,” says Cosentino.
Park Smart
If you have a garage, use it. This means keeping the garage door closed and the door to your house locked too. “Out of sight, out of mind,” says Cosentino. It’s easier to take a car that’s out on the street.
If you must park outside, be sure to park in well-lit areas and use your steering wheel lock. If parking in your driveway, park a front-wheel-drive vehicle in front first, and back in a rear-wheel-drive, which will make it harder to tow away.
If you have two vehicles, park the less expensive vehicle behind the more expensive one.
Install an Aftermarket Immobilizing Device
An immobilizer is an alarm system that is found in your car which prevents it from starting unless a special key or sequence of buttons are pressed to activate it. It’s used as a safeguard to help prevent your car from being stolen. Some vehicles are equipped with a factory-installed immobilizer, but it may not be enough.
While an immobilizer used to include a steering wheel club or wheel lock, which require removal before the vehicle can operate, modern devices are much more sophisticated and integrated into your vehicle. Explore your options with a licensed mechanic and have them install it for you.
Install a Tracking System
This may not prevent a theft but a tag tracker can help locate and recover a stolen vehicle quickly. They emit a signal that allows police or a monitoring service to keep tabs on where the vehicle goes.
Smaller global tracking system (GPS) units are also available and allow vehicle owners to place devices (sometimes called tags) inside the vehicle, allowing them to locate where the car is via their smart phone in real time.
While this technology may assist you in finding your car in a large parking lot, never go after a stolen vehicle by yourself. Never try to track your car for safety reasons. Always report the information you have gathered to the police.
Don’t Make it Easy
Always lock your doors and close the windows and sunroof. Never leave car keys in the vehicle, even if you’re just stepping away for a minute; even while the vehicle is locked.
“It’s surprising how many people have told me they leave a spare key in their car for emergencies. Don’t,” says Cosentino. “Warm-up thefts are a problem in the winter too – where people start their car and then go back inside their house while the vehicle warms up.”
Try to always maintain control of your keys. “Don’t leave them on the floor next to you while at the gym and avoid leaving your keys with parking attendants and other strangers too.”
Also avoid marking your keys with your name and address in case they are lost. While labeling your keys might help a good Samaritan return your lost keys, someone with less sincere motives will know exactly where to look for your parked car.
Beware Keyless Entry
While key fobs and push-button starts can come in handy, they have also created a new risk – sometimes called a relay attack.
“You have one thief standing by your car with an electronic relay transmitter, and another thief standing close to you, or your house, with a relay amplifier. The amplifier will pick up the signal from your key fob and transmit it to the other device tricking your car into thinking the key is there,” explains Cosentino.
When at home, “keep your keys away from windows and doors to make it harder for a transmitter to pick up a signal.
Alternatively, you could keep your fob in a metal container, or purchase a key fob blocker pouch that holds your key while in your pocket or purse.” When parking your car, press the lock button on the actual car door while exiting instead of using the key fob to lock the vehicle.
Purchase a Vehicle Equipped with Anti-Theft Labels
This makes the car less attractive to steal.
Consider also getting your VIN professionally etched onto each window and other major parts of the car.
Not only can these allow the vehicle to be traced and identified more easily after recovery, but it will also be harder to sell.
Add an Alarm or Security System
“While there are ways around any security system, the more layers of barriers you have, the more likely a thief is to move on to the next vehicle,” says Cosentino. Along with our previous suggestions, consider adding warning devices like an after-market audible car alarms or steering wheel club locks to deter thieves.
What to do if Your Vehicle is Stolen
- Call police as soon as possible and update them with the last known location of your vehicle.
- Contact your insurer to start the claims process right away.
- Never try to track your vehicle personally for safety reasons. Give the GPS information to the police instead.
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