Helping Your Child Move Out 


While January 1st may be the start of the New Year, for many, September represents a start of the new school year. If you have an older child who will be pursuing their studies out of town, or simply leaving the “nest”, then you may be tasked with helping them move. 

Whatever the reason may be, moving can be chaotic unless you approach it with organization and structure. 

How to help with the move

Here are a few tips to help facilitate a seamless move.

Gather moving supplies

Help your child estimate how many cardboard boxes they’ll need, then add another 10 or 15. We tend to underestimate how many possessions we have – and sometimes overestimate our ability to pack.

Start collecting suitcases, baskets and bins, or buying boxes in advance, so you’re not stuck needing them at the last minute. Sometimes, local grocery stores or other businesses may have extra to give away. Just make sure to label them to identify the contents to make unpacking easier.

Decide: moving services or friends and family 

It’s always a good idea to make a few phone calls to know your options well ahead of your moving date. Hiring movers may be costly, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you have a professional and reliable group of people there to help ease the moving process. If you have a friend or family member with a truck or trailer, you can also consider asking if they can lend a hand.  

If you do decide to hire friends or family, it’s common courtesy to find a way to thank them. Make sure they are well fed and have plenty of liquids to hydrate during the move. Not only will it help the move, it’s also a great way to show your appreciation for their support.

Get information on the new place 

Consider whether the building or apartment has air conditioning. If not, you may need to pack a fan. If your child will be staying in a dormitory, find out whether the room has an attached bathroom or if it is a shared facility. If it is shared, you may want to pack a traveling case for their bath items. Measure the dimensions of the room and door to see if any furniture you want to move will fit through the doorway. Find out where the nearest grocery stores, pharmacies and other essential shops are, in case you need to buy any last-minute essentials. 

By making a list of questions with your child about the new place and neighbourhood, you’ll both be better prepared to help your child settle in their new home.

Make a list of essential items your child will need

While it can be easy to get preoccupied with decorating the new space, it’s important to remember to pack any essential items that they may need. This could include cookware, utensils, pharmaceuticals, emergency preparedness kits or simple tools (like a hammer and a screwdriver to install shelves and assemble furniture). Be sure to make a list of any items to consider before leaving the family nest.

Pack clothes by season

This may seem obvious, but if your child is moving in the summer, there’s no point in mixing up summer and winter clothes. Work with them to prioritize packing the clothes they’ll need now (i.e., placing winter or heavier clothing at the bottom of boxes and having lighter summer-wear on top). 

Doing so will help them unpack their current seasonal clothes easier and faster, leaving the rest for later, after the essential ones have been unpacked and put into place.

Pack an “essentials” bag

While moving, there may be a chance that your child may be displaced for a few hours or a day or two. During that time, it might not be easy to access essentials like hygiene products, contact lenses or even a change clothes. Having a separate bag filled with essentials items for this situation can make a difference in the moving process.

Any items used infrequently can be packed in boxes and bags well in advance without having to worry over missing anything around the moving date.

Change of address and other important precautions

It’s important for your child to notify their service providers of a change of address, including cell phone and internet providers, credit card companies, banks, and other services. If they’re moving permanently, they should also contact their local water, hydro, and heating supplier to take over the utilities. 

It’s also important to contact their local home insurance provider to inquire about home insurance, condo insurance, or tenant insurance. Talking to an agent can help you determine what’s best for their situation. Some insurance companies offer a Student Insurance Plan which covers emergency travel home due to injury, illness or death of a close family member.

Are there any tips we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments down below.

This information and the opinions expressed in this blog are written by Capital-Image Inc., conducted on behalf of Allstate Canada. This blog has been provided for your convenience only and should not be construed as providing legal or insurance advice.