Allstate Canada Group and its employees care deeply about the wellbeing of people and organizations across Canada, and we are proud to support them as they give back to their communities.
Although the current pandemic has not always allowed our employees to volunteer in a traditional manner, many have decided to get creative. These Big Small Acts of Kindness are examples of simple things that many people can do and might make a big impact for those in need. As an example, here is the story of one of our employees:
Name of Employee: Alan Han
Job Title: Instructional Designer
Number of Years at Allstate Canada Group of Companies: 1
Charity/Organization Supported: Ads Up Canada
- Tell us the story of how you started working with refugees new to Canada. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I felt the need to give back to the community. I am surrounded by friends who are passionate about social justice, so I decided to find out how I could give back as well. Working with refugees was the perfect choice, because it meant that I could volunteer from home and practice social distancing while helping these individuals.
- Why are you passionate about this cause? I strongly believe that refugees have a right to escape persecution and that we have an obligation to help them where we can. As Canadians, we are so open and giving and I feel that we can offer an amazing opportunity for refugees to resettle here. I also believe that refugees contribute so much, and we all benefit from their experiences, knowledge and culture.
- What does volunteerism mean to you? Volunteering gives me purpose. It reminds me to be grateful and that the opportunities we receive are more often due to the lottery of life than it is to our hard work and perseverance. I feel as though it’s our duty to help those who can’t help themselves.
- How has your volunteerism adapted to COVID? I am currently sponsoring two refugees to come to Canada. They are waiting overseas, which means that we have time to organize their living arrangements before they arrive. Finding accommodation and securing donations can be done virtually, so it’s a lot of virtual coordination right now.
- What advice would you give to people looking to volunteer but don’t know how to get started? Don’t overthink it. Just raise your hand and get started. If you’re worried about the commitment – start small. Find something small you could contribute to and get involved.
- What are you hoping to accomplish in 2021 with other businesses/organizations? I’m hoping to extend my volunteerism by helping more refugees write their applications to come to Canada in 2021.